AMRAP 12 for reps: Elite: 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 Toes to Bar 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 Max Effort Bar Muscle Ups One teammate must hang from the rig at all times Rx: 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 […]
For Time, with an 18 Minute Time Cap: Elite/Rx/Masters: Athlete A: 750m Row + 150 Double Unders Athlete B: 1,000m Row + 100 Double Unders Athlete C: 1,250m Row + 50 Double Unders Intermediate: Athlete A: 750m Row + 150 Single Unders Athlete B: 1,000m Row + 100 Single Unders Athlete C: 1,250m Row + […]
7 Minutes to Establish 7 Rep Max Front Squat: Bar will start empty Each athlete will achieve their individual 7 rep max Athletes can make as many attempts at any weight they wish Squat cleans will NOT count as the first rep The first rep will start from the fully locked out standing position Scoring […]
For Time (Time Cap 8 minutes): Elite/Rx Divisions: 20 Chest to Bar 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″ / 20″) 10 Chest to Bar 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″ / 20″) 5 Chest to Bar 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″ / 20″) Masters + Intermediate Divisions: 20 Pull-Ups 15 Burpee Box Jumps* (24″ / 20″) 10 […]
5 Minute AMRAP: Elite/Rx & Masters Divisions: 30 Toes to Bar 30 Cal Row Max Effort Clean & Jerk (115# / 75#) Intermediate Division: 30 Hanging Knee Raises 30 Cal Row Max Effort Clean & Jerk (95# / 65#) Scoring Score is total reps (TTB/Knee Raises + Row + Clean & Jerk). Workout Standards & […]
Athletes each have 3 minutes to complete: Athlete A: 1 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead Athlete B: 3 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead Athlete C: 5 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead Scoring Score is total of weight used across all three athletes. Workout Standards & Submission Each individual athlete can only pick a 1, 3 […]
For Time: Partner A: 75 Wall Balls + 25 Dumbbell Snatches Partner B: 50 Wall Balls + 50 Dumbbell Snatches Partner C: 25 Wall Balls + 75 Dumbbell Snatches Partner A will complete the set, followed by Partner B and then Partner C. Wall Ball Weights Rx: 20# to 10′ target (Male) / 14# to […]
For Reps: Who is your best gymnast? Who is your best lifter? Who is your best rower? Partner A:3 Minute AMRAP Toes to Bar (Rx/Masters) / 3 Minute AMRAP Knee Raises (Intermediate) Partner B: 3 Minute AMRAP Clean & Jerks Partner C: 6 Minute AMRAP Calorie Row Partner A will complete as many Toes to […]
11 Minute AMRAP for Rounds/Reps: Partners A & B: 100 Front Squats Partners B & C: 100 Shoulder to Overhead Partners C & A: 100 Pull-Ups (Rx, Masters) or 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Intermediate) All barbell movements will be performed with an Axel Bar. Partners may split reps however they choose. After the 100 […]
10 Minute AMRAP for Reps: 10 Burpees Over the Bar Max Effort (ME) Thrusters The workout will go relay style. Partner A will start followed by Partner B and then Partner C. Athletes will follow the same order for as many Thrusters as possible in 10 minutes. Once the bar touches the ground, that athlete’s […]