For Time: Partner A: 75 Wall Balls + 25 Dumbbell Snatches Partner B: 50 Wall Balls + 50 Dumbbell Snatches Partner C: 25 Wall Balls + 75 Dumbbell Snatches Partner A will complete the set, followed by Partner B and then Partner C. Wall Ball Weights Rx: 20# to 10′ target (Male) / 14# to […]
For Reps: Who is your best gymnast? Who is your best lifter? Who is your best rower? Partner A:3 Minute AMRAP Toes to Bar (Rx/Masters) / 3 Minute AMRAP Knee Raises (Intermediate) Partner B: 3 Minute AMRAP Clean & Jerks Partner C: 6 Minute AMRAP Calorie Row Partner A will complete as many Toes to […]
11 Minute AMRAP for Rounds/Reps: Partners A & B: 100 Front Squats Partners B & C: 100 Shoulder to Overhead Partners C & A: 100 Pull-Ups (Rx, Masters) or 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Intermediate) All barbell movements will be performed with an Axel Bar. Partners may split reps however they choose. After the 100 […]
10 Minute AMRAP for Reps: 10 Burpees Over the Bar Max Effort (ME) Thrusters The workout will go relay style. Partner A will start followed by Partner B and then Partner C. Athletes will follow the same order for as many Thrusters as possible in 10 minutes. Once the bar touches the ground, that athlete’s […]
Establish Team 15 Rep Max Hang Clean: 8 Minutes to Complete: At the count of 3-2-1 Go, the team will establish a weight on the bar Each athlete will have one attempt to establish as many reps as they choose The set will be considered successful when a total of 15 reps are achieved across […]
8 Min AMRAP for Reps: Partners A, B & C perform individually: 5 Dumbbell Thrusters 35# / 25# (each DB) 10 Burpee Box Facing Jump Overs 24″ / 20″ 15 Dumbbell Deadlifts 35# / 25# (each DB) Scoring Score is total reps across three team members Workout Standards & Submission Thruster: Dumbbells will be in […]
For Time: Partner A: 1,000m Row + 60 Pull-Ups Partner B: 1,000m Row + 40 Chest-to-Bar Partner C: 1,000m Row + 20 Bar Muscle-Ups Time Cap 7 Minutes (per athlete) Scoring Score is total time across three team members If an athlete does not finish within the 7 minute time cap, add one second to the […]