For Time (Time Cap 8 minutes): Elite/Rx Divisions: 20 Chest to Bar 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″ / 20″) 10 Chest to Bar 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″ / 20″) 5 Chest to Bar 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″ / 20″) Masters + Intermediate Divisions: 20 Pull-Ups 15 Burpee Box Jumps* (24″ / 20″) 10 […]
5 Minute AMRAP: Elite/Rx & Masters Divisions: 30 Toes to Bar 30 Cal Row Max Effort Clean & Jerk (115# / 75#) Intermediate Division: 30 Hanging Knee Raises 30 Cal Row Max Effort Clean & Jerk (95# / 65#) Scoring Score is total reps (TTB/Knee Raises + Row + Clean & Jerk). Workout Standards & […]
Athletes each have 3 minutes to complete: Athlete A: 1 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead Athlete B: 3 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead Athlete C: 5 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead Scoring Score is total of weight used across all three athletes. Workout Standards & Submission Each individual athlete can only pick a 1, 3 […]
For Time: Partner A: 1,000m Row + 60 Pull-Ups Partner B: 1,000m Row + 40 Chest-to-Bar Partner C: 1,000m Row + 20 Bar Muscle-Ups Time Cap 7 Minutes (per athlete) Scoring Score is total time across three team members If an athlete does not finish within the 7 minute time cap, add one second to the […]