2019 AP Games – Workout #3

AMRAP 12 for reps: Elite:  60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 Toes to Bar 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 Max Effort Bar Muscle Ups One teammate must hang from the rig at all times Rx:  60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 […]

2018 AP Games – Workout #3

11 Minute AMRAP for Rounds/Reps: Partners A & B: 100 Front Squats Partners B & C: 100 Shoulder to Overhead Partners C & A: 100 Pull-Ups (Rx, Masters) or 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Intermediate) All barbell movements will be performed with an Axel Bar. Partners may split reps however they choose. After the 100 […]