Workout 2
For Time (9 Minute Cap):
Elite Division:
60 Cal Ski (Athletes A+B+C)
40 Synchronized Toes to Bar
40 Cal Ski (Athletes A+B)
40 Synchronized Toes to Bar
20 Cal Ski (Athlete A)
Rx/Masters 35+ Division:
50 Cal Ski (Athletes A+B+C)
35 Synchronized Toes to Bar
35 Cal Ski (Athletes A+B)
35 Synchronized Toes to Bar
15 Cal Ski (Athlete A)
Intermediate Division:
50 Cal Ski (Athletes A+B+C)
35 Partner Medball Situps 20#/10#
35 Cal Ski (Athletes A+B)
35 Partner Medball Situps 20#/10#
15 Cal Ski (Athlete A)
Score is time. All three athletes can work on the first ski then only two for the next ski, and then finally finishing with one of those last two on the remaining ski. All three athletes can switch at any point during all sets of toes to bar/ sit ups.