“Do I Hear an Echo?”
9:00 Cap
3 Rounds (Follow the leader)
40/30 Calorie Echo Bike
20 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
20 Hang Clean and Jerks 115/75
Elite and RX: As shown above
Masters: 30/20 Cal, 115/75
Intermediate: 20/15 Cal, 15 reps of burpees and clean & jerks, 95/65
This workout is follow the leader style with each athlete completing one round.
Athlete 1 will begin on the bike to begin their prescribed calories. Once completed they will move on to the barbell in their lane and begin their lateral burpees. Once Athlete 1 begins their burpees, Athlete 2 can start on the bike.
Upon completing their burpees, Athlete 1 will begin their clean & jerks and once finished will advance to the finish line. Athlete 2 can move onto the burpees once Athlete 1 finishes the clean & jerks. Athlete 3 will follow in the same fashion behind Athlete 2.
When all 3 athletes complete their rounds and move to the finish line or the time cap is hit, the workout will be completed.
You must wait for the athlete in front of you to complete their station before you can move up. So Athlete 2 must stay at the Echo bike until Athlete 1 finishes their clean & jerks.
Bike: Athletes can adjust their bike seats as needed
Lateral burpees: Standards are consistent with the CrossFit open. Chest and thighs must touch the ground on the bottom. A jump is required but a two foot take off or landing is permitted as long as both feet are in the air at the same time. Stepping over the barbell is only permitted in the intermediate division.
Hang clean & jerk: The first rep of every set must reach full hip and knee extension before bringing the bar down to the hang. Any style of hang clean is permitted and any style of shoulder to overhead is permitted. Finishing position of the shoulder to overhead is knees, hips and elbows all at full extension with the bar in line with the body.