“Ocean Ave”
15 Rep Max Front Squat. The 15 reps can be split up between the three teammates in any way. The three athletes get one set per weight attempt. Every athlete must do at least 1 rep for the attempt to count. The barbell will come from the ground. The barbell will begin unloaded at 0:00.
If the team fails to get to 15 reps after all three athletes make their attempts, then that set attempt is over and they must restart.
Successful Example:
Team declares 225lbs for their attempt.
Athlete 1 completes 6 reps.
Athlete 2 completes 5 reps.
Athlete 3 completes 4 reps.
Unsuccessful example:
Team declares 225lbs for their attempt.
Athlete 1 completes 6 reps.
Athlete 2 completes 5 reps.
Athlete 3 completes 3 reps.
This is a total of 14 reps, and now this “set attempt is over”. The team must either redeclare a new weight, or start this attempt over with athlete 1.
Score will be total load successfully lifted for 15 total reps between the team.
Workout Standards:
This is a standard front squat. Barbell must be in the front rack position. Standard front rack or crossed arm front rack is permitted as long as the bar stays on the shoulders.
The hip crease must squat below the top of the knee at the bottom of the squat and the knees and hips must be extended at the top of every rep.
Teams can take as many attempts as needed in the 8 minutes.