5 Minute AMRAP:
Elite/Rx & Masters Divisions:
30 Toes to Bar
30 Cal Row
Max Effort Clean & Jerk (115# / 75#)
Intermediate Division:
30 Hanging Knee Raises
30 Cal Row
Max Effort Clean & Jerk (95# / 65#)
- Score is total reps (TTB/Knee Raises + Row + Clean & Jerk).
Workout Standards & Submission
- Each individual athlete must complete 5 minute AMRAP.
- Starts from the ground.
- Bars may be pre-loaded with weight prior to the 5 minute AMRAP.
- Athletes must show the weight on the bar and calories on rower must be in view in the video submission.
- Scores are due no later than 12/21 at 8 PM EST.
- Video links will be required with score submissions.