AMRAP 12 for reps: Elite: 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 Toes to Bar 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 Max Effort Bar Muscle Ups One teammate must hang from the rig at all times Rx: 60 Wall Balls #20 / #14 60 […]
For Time: Partner A: 75 Wall Balls + 25 Dumbbell Snatches Partner B: 50 Wall Balls + 50 Dumbbell Snatches Partner C: 25 Wall Balls + 75 Dumbbell Snatches Partner A will complete the set, followed by Partner B and then Partner C. Wall Ball Weights Rx: 20# to 10′ target (Male) / 14# to […]